Book desing and... ducks? 🦆

Your Weekly Dose of WeLoveDaily

Hey! This week has been super busy, right? 🤩

What do you think of the content we've been sharing on Instagram? We've loved making those reels. We'll be posting more content like this to help spark your creative energy.

It really helps us when you share and comment on our content, and we love getting feedback. So feel free to let us know what you think.

Anyway, let's get down to business.

Spotlight work — Leo! Leo!

We love receiving projects bursting with energy and full of personality like this one. It's a branding + packaging designed by Studio Ethur Ethur.

The packaging system was designed to elevate this premium product in the highly competitive confectionery category while maintaining an artisanal touch.

The studio developed, created, and designed packaging that stands out on the shelf, setting this brand apart in the CPG confectionery sector.

Keeping an artisanal aesthetic, prioritizing quality over quantity, was crucial for this authentic Italian product. At the same time, the goal was to convey a youthful tone that evokes the nostalgia of childhood summer vacations.

Do you like ice cream? 🍦 We love it.

Got a design project the world needs to see?

Creative toolbox — LottieFiles

Designers and developers, have you ever struggled to create smooth animations or incorporate them into your projects without compromising performance? Say goodbye to those hassles with LottieFiles, the ultimate platform for crafting high-quality, lightweight animations.

Here's why LottieFiles is your new best friend:

  • Effortless animation creation.

  • Lightweight and scalable.

  • Free and premium options:

LottieFiles goes beyond animations: While it excels in animation creation, you can also use LottieFiles to incorporate sound effects and other interactive elements into your designs, making them truly engaging.

Inspiration Station — Elisha Zepeda

If you've ever worked on an editorial project, you know how important a good cover is and the challenge it presents. 📗📘

Elisha Zepeda is a popular designer on TikTok and Instagram, known for his amazing process of creating stunning book covers.

If you haven't seen his work yet, we highly recommend checking out his profile and diving into his content. We're sure you'll enjoy it and find it incredibly helpful for overcoming any creative blocks.

Web Design of the Week — Duck Rain

“Duck English – it's not just about learning English. It's about people and how the language transforms their lives.quack-quack”

2024 - designed by The First The Last

404 page

If you’ve made it to the end of this newsletter, give yourself a high-five! 🤜🏽⚡️🤛🏽

Make sure to share it with anyone who could use a dose of creative inspiration. And if you’re not already following our broadcast channel, consider this your reminder to join us there.

Also, don’t forget to check out; we’re excited to showcase your work to the world.

Catch you next week for more inspiration!